October 18, 2024

Presentation of two seminars at the 25th Autocam Exhibition in Isfahan-2019


 AutoCom is the greatest ICT event in Isfahan province. Dr. Maedeh ashoori and Dr. Ali bohlooli, faculty members of faculty of computer engineering, had two lectures in this international event.

In the first lecture entitled, "Security and Privacy for IoT: Challenges, Countermeasures, and Future Directions," Dr. Maedeh ashoori emphasized the importance of security in large-scale IoT deployment, and explored the threats and vulnerabilities of IoT security and high-level security mechanisms.

In the second lecture entitled, "Internet of Things and Digital Twin Technology," Dr. Ali bohlooli discussed how the Internet of Things can create a smart world, then he introduced the Digital Twin technology.

دانشگاه اصغهان
Address: Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran    
Postal Code: 817467344
E-mail: Info@comp.ui.ac.ir 
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